Hey besties,
A few weeks ago I turned 30!!! I was literally dreading this birthday all year and I’m not really sure why – it’s like everyone tells me… You have kids, you’re married, you have a beautiful house, you’re successful, etc. Essentially what people are telling me is, “Your life is perfect, what do you have to complain about?” *insert eye roll here* Because I know it’s true and I also know that everyone tells me that your 30’s are amazing. It’s just something about the number that makes me melancholy. Am I where I’m supposed to be? Or should be? Or could be? Ultimately I guess I’ll never know but what I do know is that I am blessed and grateful for what I do have – my husband and kids, my family, my beautiful home, the opportunities that are presented to me daily are all things I am grateful for entering my 30’s.
Since I was pregnant for my 21st birthday, I decided I wanted to do it big for 30 and how much bigger could I get other than Vegas, baby! Not that I didn’t have mom guilt for leaving my babies for the weekend (it’s the first time we weren’t together on my birthday) but I just really wanted to do something for me. Isn’t that what 30 is all about?

My hubby did such an amazing job planning, he booked the hotel, gathered our family and friends and got us all there! I’m truly grateful for him and everything he did for me this weekend. We ended up staying at the Paris Las Vegas hotel which was 10/10. Check out the room tour here. I’m very picky about hotels and they exceeded my expectations. Check in/out were very smooth, there were restaurants and drinks everywhere and casino galore!

We ended up doing most of our partying during the day and even got a quick picture with Kaskade at the Wet Republic – the party was amazinggggg! I literally partied like I was 21, lol. Aside from the partying and drinking, we also ate at some delicious restaurants like Dave’s Hot Chicken and The Golden Seer.
I also did a bit a gambling and won $140! …. And then lost it all, lol – gambling is not for me and I can totally see how you can become addicted, hahaha. But nonetheless, it was an amazing weekend and I am so excited to see what 30 has in store for me and with that, I leave you with this…
“At 30 you finally start to catch up to those dreams you’ve been chasing for the last 10 plus years.” – Bonnidette Lantz

xoxo, Alessa