Welcome to Em Loren...My name is Alessa and I’m super grateful to have you here. I am happily married to my husband of 13 years, Alex and we have two beautiful babies – Max (11) and Esme (6). We live in North Jersey and as often as we think about moving out of state, I am a Jersey girl at heart. I love sharing all things motherhood, fashion + beauty, home and all things in between. After becoming a mother I love to encourage other mamas to take care of themselves in order to be the best version of themselves for their families. I truly find joy in helping new mothers and women to learn how to be their best selves, as feels as feel and look their best as well. You can pour into your families on an empty cup but why would you want to?
My kids were my inspiration behind Em Loren, after becoming a stay at home mom I struggled with finding purpose. Even though I knew I wanted to be home and have the flexibility to be at drop off and pick up, holiday parties and volunteer for school events I knew I also need purpose. It has brought me such joy to be able to share and inspire so many mamas along the way. Thank you for following along and welcome to the Em Loren family!
xx, Alessa